Monday, August 31, 2009

Swine Flu USA - Vaccine obsessed?

I know… all the pro-vacciner’s are probably already pissed from   the  title.

I’m not here to say whether they are good or bad.

Although personally I feel there are entirely too many given to our children.  ESPECIALLY when they are given 3 and 4 shots at once!

I feel this way through personal experience when my daughter received 4 at once and within a week developed a 105 degree fever.  After a work up in the emergency room I was told “there is nothing wrong with her.”

After this she developed Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Huh, coincidence.  I think not.  Even medical doctors today who are for vaccine’s have no qualms about her NOT getting anymore – which says something in this day and age.

A friend of mine recently took her son to the doctor and they wanted to give him 3 shots at once.  When she heeded my advice  to

  • have one at a time
  • months apart
  • and when he was healthy.

Well her previously well-mannered doctor had a fit. (talking down to her with irritation and annoyance)

So WHY is it that doctors are so angered by parents wanting to be “safe” in this day and age of extraordinary amount of diagnosis – autism, ADHD, bipolar, and many more?

I mean – these were so rare when i was a kid. And yes they were rare, even if a few were undiagnosed.

No i don’t believe that vaccines are evil. I believe too many, to soon, together, along with dangerous preservatives is wrong.

But put together the so called food most people eat these days – artificial this and that – nothing alive like fresh fruits and veggies.  (Even those are so much less healthy because of overworked soil and pesticides) Along with the amount of vaccines we receive and pollution.

Mix it all together and what do we get – tons of childhood illness that were almost unheard of 30 years ago.

So – it now seems that the powers that be who push this ridiculous amount of vaccines are even scaring some of the medical community.  Take a look at this -

Contains Thimerosal? That lovely mercury preservative so disputed these days….if you still haven’t gotten clear on what it is and why it is so bad, here you go….


Thimerosal is the preservative of choice for vaccine manufacturers. First introduced by Eli Lilly and Company in the late 1920s and early 1930s, the company began selling it as a preservative in vaccines in the 1940s. Thimerosal contains 49.6 percent mercury by weight and is metabolized or degraded into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Mercury, or more precisely, ethylmercury, is the principle agent that kills contaminants. Unfortunately, mercury also kills much more than that.

The Department of Defense classifies mercury as a hazardous material that could cause death if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Studies indicate that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines. Mercury poisoning has been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other nervous system conditions. That’s why the FDA rigorously limits exposure to mercury in foods and drugs. Some common sources of mercury include dental amalgam fillings, various vaccines and certain fish contaminated by polluted ocean waters.

The toxicity of mercury has never been in question. The real question is precisely how much mercury-laced thimerosal is toxic, and what are the possible consequences for our children at low doses?

Eli Lilly and Co. supposedly answered this question for us back in 1930. Concluding thimerosal to be of “a very low order of toxicity . . . for man,” the company hired its own doctors to perform thimerosal experiments in Indianapolis City Hospital on meningitis patients during a severe outbreak in 1929. This 60-year-old evidence was still quoted on the company’s brochures as recently as 1990. Andrew Waters, who is involved in a lawsuit against Eli Lilly, claims that most critical studies on the toxicity of thimerosal were suppressed by the company until now.

Banned around the world, but not in the United States

That might explain why thimerosal was eliminated in many countries 20 years ago. In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later. Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children’s vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.

Eli Lilly stuck to its “scientific” facts, but the truth began slipping between the cracks in 1999. After the number of immunizations rose to 12 to 15 per child, the public finally became privy to the possible dangers of thimerosal. One 1999 study revealed that some infants, due to a genetic or developmental factor, lack the ability to eliminate mercury. Trace amounts of mercury in these infants, when accumulated over several vaccines, could pose a severe health risk. Some vaccines, such as vaccines for hepatitis B, contained as much as 12.5 micrograms of mercury per dose. That’s more than 100 times the EPA’s upper limit standard when administered to infants.

Why is mercury toxic in all ways except through vaccines? Enough said.


The other thing that confuses me is this – if our vaccines are so great and our health care powers that be are so enlightened then why -

According to the World Health Organization,

those of us in the USA have the most

expensive health care in the world with

results at 72nd.



Ramadan Journal Day 9: Going Back to School


The kids are not the only ones going back to school after Eid…Mommy’s going back to school too!  (inshaa Allaah)  I took my placement test today and was elated to find that I hadn’t lost that much…I got into the last level I completed, so that wasn’t so bad.  Besides, after an almost 4 year hiatus, I could use a  good brushing up on grammar and stuff.

I”m so excited I could BURST!

I started studying Arabic at Fajr Center back in May 2004, shortly after we arrived in Egypt, studied a few levels, and then took a break to give birth.  I’ve gone back to study a couple times after that, but could never get into a consistent flow with always having a young child, and the house and  home just needing so much of my time and attention.

This year all the kids will be in school – INSHAA ALLAAH – which will make it easier not only to be in school, but to actually be able to study and excel.

Alhamdu lillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!

I have been waiting for this time for sooooooo long.  And making lots of du’aa.  It’s been hard not being able to have what you want, when you want it, but Allaah has been merciful, enabling me to fill my time with other beneficial things in the meantime.

I absolutely love learning the Arabic language – being able to understand the Qur’an when I read it, or an islamic lecture when I listen to it is a feeling that just sends chills down my spine.  My Arabic is ‘good’, alhamdu lillaah, but I have bigger plans for the future and nothing less than complete fluency in Arabic is a must.

So inshaa Allaah classes start a little bit after Eid.  Make du’aa that I can see this dream to the end!

In other news, we went over to my sister’s house where she had the kids do the “Suhoor Menu” and “A Day of Fasting” activities from TJRamadan.  After that I went to visit a close friend who lives in the same building who had just come back from ‘umrah mashaa Allaah.

Brazened chicken, green beans, rice.

“Then after them We sent Moses with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they wrongfully rejected them. So see how was the end of the mischief-makers.

And Moses said: “O Pharaoh! I am a Messenger from the Lord of all that exists.

“Proper it is for me that I say nothing concerning Allah but the truth. Indeed I have come unto you from your Lord with a clear proof. So let the Children of Israel depart along with me.”

Pharaoh said: “If you have come with a sign, show it forth, – if you are one of those who tell the truth.”

Then Moses threw his stick and behold! it was a serpent, manifest!

And he drew out his hand, and behold! it was white (with radiance) for the beholders.

The chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said: “This is indeed a well-versed sorcerer;

“He wants to get you out of your land, so what do you advise?”

They said: “Put him and his brother off (for a time), and send callers (men) to the cities -

“That they bring up to you all well-versed sorcerers.”

And so the sorcerers came to Pharaoh. They said: “Indeed there will be a (good) reward for us if we are the victors.”

He said: “Yes, and moreover you will (in that case) be of the nearest (to me).”

“O Moses! Either you throw (first), or shall we have the (first) throw?”

He (Moses) said: “Throw you (first).” So when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people, and struck terror into them, and they displayed a great magic.

And We inspired Moses (saying): “Throw your stick,” and behold! It swallowed up straight away all the falsehoods which they showed.

Thus truth was confirmed, and all that they did was made of no effect.

So they were defeated there and then, and were returned disgraced.

And the sorcerers fell down prostrate.

They said: “We believe in the Lord of the all that exists.

“The Lord of Moses) and Aaron.”

Pharaoh said: “You have believed in him (Moses) before I give you permission. Surely, this is a plot which you have plotted in the city to drive out its people, but you shall come to know.

“Surely, I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, then I will crucify you all.”

They said: “Verily, we are returning to our Lord.

“And you take vengeance on us only because we believed in the Ay�t (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.) of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! pour out on us patience, and cause us to die as Muslims.”  (Al-A’raf : 103-126 )


Sunday, August 30, 2009

India's Generation of Children Crippled by Uranium Waste

Published on Sunday, August 30, 2009 by The Guardian/UK India’s Generation of Children Crippled by Uranium Waste Observer investigation uncovers link between dramatic rise in birth defects in Punjab and pollution from coal-fired power stations

by Gethin Chamberlain

Their heads are too large or too small, their limbs too short or too bent. For some, their brains never grew, speech never came and their lives are likely to be cut short: these are the children it appears that India would rather the world did not see, the victims of a scandal with potential implications far beyond the country’s borders.


Gurpreet Sigh, 7, who has cerebral palsy and microcephaly, and is from Sirsar, 50km from the Punjabi town of Bathinda. He is being treated at the Baba Farid centre for Special Children in Bathinda Photograph: Gethin Chamberlain.

Some sit mutely, staring into space, lost in a world of their own; others cry out, rocking backwards and forwards. Few have any real control over their own bodies. Their anxious parents fret over them, murmuring soft words of encouragement, hoping for some sort of miracle that will free them from a nightmare. 

Health workers in the Punjabi cities of Bathinda and Faridkot knew something was terribly wrong when they saw a sharp increase in the number of birth defects, physical and mental abnormalities, and cancers. They suspected that children were being slowly poisoned.

But it was only when a visiting scientist arranged for tests to be carried out at a German laboratory that the true nature of their plight became clear. The results were unequivocal. The children had massive levels of uranium in their bodies, in one case more than 60 times the maximum safe limit.

The results were both momentous and mysterious. Uranium occurs naturally throughout the world, but is normally only present in low background levels which pose no threat to human health. There was no obvious source in the Punjab that could account for such high levels of contamination.

And if a few hundred children – spread over a large area – were contaminated, how many thousands more might also be affected? Those are questions the Indian authorities appear determined not to answer. Staff at the clinics say they were visited and threatened with closure if they spoke out. The South African scientist whose curiosity exposed the scandal says she has been warned by the authorities that she may not be allowed back into the country.

But an Observer investigation has now uncovered disturbing evidence to suggest a link between the contamination and the region’s coal-fired power stations. It is already known that the fine fly ash produced when coal is burned contains concentrated levels of uranium and a new report published by Russia’s leading nuclear research institution warns of an increased radiation hazard to people living near coal-fired thermal power stations.

The test results for children born and living in areas around the state’s power stations show high levels of uranium in their bodies. Tests on ground water show that levels of uranium around the plants are up to 15 times the World Health Organisation’s maximum safe limits. Tests also show that it extends across large parts of the state, which is home to 24 million people.

The findings have implications not only for the rest of India – Punjab produces two-thirds of the wheat in the country’s central reserves and 40% of its rice – but for many other countries planning to build new power plants, including China, Russia, India, Germany and the US. In Britain, there are plans for a coal-fired station at the Kingsnorth facility in Kent.

The victims are being treated at the Baba Farid centres for special children in Bathinda – where there are two coal-fired thermal plants – and in nearby Faridkot. It was staff at those clinics who first voiced concerns about the increasing numbers of admissions involving severely handicapped children. They were being born with hydrocephaly, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and other complications. Several have already died.

Dr Pritpal Singh, who runs the Faridkot clinic, said the numbers of children affected by the pollution had risen dramatically in the past six or seven years. But he added that the Indian authorities appeared determined to bury the scandal. “They can’t just detoxify these kids, they have to detoxify the whole Punjab. That is the reason for their reluctance,” he said. “They threatened us and said if we didn’t stop commenting on what’s happening, they would close our clinic.

“But I decided that if I kept silent it would go on for years and no one would do anything about it. If I keep silent then the next day it will be my child. The children are dying in front of me.”

Dr Carin Smit, the South African clinical metal toxicologist who arranged for the tests to be carried out in Germany, said that the situation could no longer be ignored. “There is evidence of harm for these children in my care and… it is an imperative that their bodies be cleaned up and their metabolisms be supported to deal with such a devastating presence of radioactive material,” she said.

“If the contamination is as widespread as it would appear to be – as far west as Muktsar on the Pakistani border, and as far east as the foothills of Himachal Pradesh – then millions are at high risk and every new baby born to a contaminated mother is at risk.”

In the Faridkot centre last week, Harmanbir Kaur, 15, was rocking gently backwards and forwards. When her test results came back, they showed she had 10 times the safe limit of uranium in her body. Her brother, Naunihal Singh, six, has double the safe level.

Harmanbir was born in Muktsar, 25 miles from Faridkot. Her mother, Kulbir Kaur, 37, watched her slowly degenerate from a healthy baby into the girl she is today, dribbling constantly, unable to feed herself, lost in a world of her own. “God knows what sin I have committed. When we go to our village people say there is a curse of God on you, but I don’t believe so,” she said. “Every part of this area is affected. We never imagined that there would be uranium in our kids.”

A few miles down the road in Bathinda, Sukhminder Singh, 48, a farmer, watched his son Kulwinder, 13, staring into space while curling his hands up under his chin. Tests showed Kulwinder has 19 times the maximum safe level of uranium in his body. He has cerebral palsy and has already had seven operations to unbend his arms and legs.

“The government should investigate it because if our child is affected it will also affect future generations,” he said. “What are they waiting for? How many children do they want to be affected? Another generation? I can leave the house for work, but my wife is always with him. Sometimes she cries and asks why God is playing with our luck. Every morning he sends a new trouble.”

Doni Choudhary, aged 15 months, is waiting to be tested, though staff say he shows similar symptoms to those who have tested positive and are treating him for suspected uranium poisoning. His mother, Neelum, 22, from the state capital, Chandigarh, says he was born with hydrocephaly. His legs are useless.

“He is dependent on others. After me, who can care for him?” Neelum asks. “He tries to speak but he can’t express himself and my heart cries. When will he understand that his legs don’t work? What will he feel?”

India’s reluctance to acknowledge the problem is hardly unexpected: the country is heavily committed to an expansion of thermal plants in Punjab and other states. Neither was it any surprise when a team of scientists from the Department of Atomic Energy visited the area and concluded that while the concentration of uranium in drinking water was “slightly high”, there was “nothing to worry” about. Yet some tests recorded levels of uranium in the ground water as high as 224mcg/l (micrograms per litre) – 15 times higher than the safe level of 15mcg/l recommended by the WHO. (The US Environmental Protection Agency sets a maximum safe level of 20mcg/l.)

Some scientists have proposed that the ground water may have been contaminated by contact with granite rocks that rise above the ground about 150 miles away to the south in the Tosham hills, in Haryana state. A continuation of these rocks is believed to run deep below the thick alluvial deposits that form the plains of Punjab.

Increasing demands for water, in particular to irrigate the rice crop, have led to greater dependence on tube wells. That in turn is depleting the water table in the state at an alarming rate – by at least 30cm a year, according to one study – with the result that water is being drawn from ever deeper levels. However, this theory seems to be in conflict with evidence from parents of many of the children, who say they use the mains supply, which comes from other sources.

There have also been claims that the contamination may have been exacerbated by depleted uranium carried on the wind from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. At a seminar in Amritsar in April, Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, a former chief of the naval staff, suggested that areas within a 1,000-mile radius of Kabul – including Punjab – may be affected by depleted uranium. Although the prevailing monsoon winds blow either from the north-east or the south-west, there are times when a depression originating in the Mediterranean can result in rainfall in Punjab.

Meanwhile, smoke continues to pour from the power station chimneys and lorries shuttle backwards and forwards, taking away the fly ash to be mixed into cement at the neighbouring Ambuja factory. Inside the plant last week, there was ash everywhere, forming drifts, clinging to the skin, getting into the throat.

Ravindra Singh, the plant’s security officer, said that most of the ash went to the cement works, while the rest was dumped in ash ponds. It would be more efficient to burn better quality coal that left less ash, he said. Every day the plant burned 6,000 tons of coal. He had no idea how much ash that generated, but the stream of lorries to take it away was continuous.

The first coal-fired power station in Punjab was commissioned in Bathinda in 1974, followed by another in nearby Lehra Mohabat in 1998. There is a third to the east, at Rupnagar.

Tests on ground water in villages in Bathinda district found the highest average concentration of uranium – 56.95mcg/l – in the town of Bucho Mandi, a short distance from the Lehra Mohabat ash pond. Such a concentration of uranium means the lifetime cancer risk in the village was more than 153 times higher than in the normal population. Tests on ground water in the village of Jai Singh Wala, close to the Bathinda ash pond, showed an average level of 52.79mcg/l. People living there said they used the ash to spread on the roads and even on the floors of their homes.

Scientists in Punjab who have studied the presence of uranium in the state have dismissed the government denials as a whitewash. “If the government says there is a high level of uranium in an area that would create havoc – they don’t want to openly say something like that,” said Dr Chander Parkash, a wetland ecologist working at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

Both he and Dr Surinder Singh, who works at the same university and has also carried out tests on the state’s ground water, said it was clear that uranium was present in large quantities and should be investigated further.

Another scientist, Dr GS Dhillon, a former chief engineer with the irrigation department, is convinced that the uranium has come from the power stations and accuses the authorities of failing to control the ash ponds, which he believes have contaminated the ground water.

Their concerns are bolstered by a report from the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, Russia’s leading state organisation for nuclear research, published last month in the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Thermal Engineering journal. The report’s author, DA Krylov, raised serious doubts about the safety of coal-fired thermal power stations (TPSs), concluding that radiation from ash residues and from chimney emissions built up around coal-fired power plants and posed an additional risk to those living and working in the area.

“Natural radionuclides contained in coals concentrate in ash-and-slag wastes and gas-aerosol emissions as these coals are fired at TPSs, with the result that an elevated man-made radiation background builds up around TPSs,” the report stated. The situation became worse, the report said, if ash was used as a construction material or as a filling material for roads.

A previous report in the magazine Scientific American, citing various sources, claimed that fly ash emitted by power plants “carries into the surrounding environment 100 times more radiation than a nuclear power plant producing the same amount of energy”, adding: “When coal is burned into fly ash, uranium and thorium are concentrated at up to 10 times their original levels.”

© Guardian News and Media Limited 2009


What Young children Can See - Children Of Light

Sacred Earth

From babyhood the young American Indians were brought up with reverence for nature and the company of spirits and other fairy forms.  This is true today.  Young souls, whether Indian or others, returning from the spirit world into a young physical body, retain, for some years, the ability to see clearly into the finer ether of the manifest. For this reason, very young children should be encouraged to see the beauty in nature.

It is only when we condition our childen to dwell in in the lower mind that the fascinating world of spirit falls away.

When we look upon the beautiful spring flowers,  or the budding of trees and the growing of corn, we realise these are also the manifestations of the beauty of the Divine Earth.  The earth does not produce these beauties alone. The earth has to be blessed, has to be tended and cared for.  The Earth is the symbol of the Divine Mother, and is the seed bed for all the needs of  human and animal life. Our Earth is the seed bed. And without these gifts from our Divine Father, nothing can grow.  Without  the command of God to the sunlight and the warmth to the wind, air and water currents, nothing can  flourish. The law of God causes the rain to come and bless the Earth.

What a child sees:

“there is a lovely old tree in uncle John’s garden, and today I sat a long time watching a funny old gnome who lives inside it,  he is just like one of the gnomes in my fairytale book. He has great long thin legs and wears a red cap, though the rest of him is like the colour of the trunk of the tree. Sometimes he comes out of his tree and goes prancing about in the grass and looking so funny that |I want to giggle, but I was afraid to,  in case  I might make him offended. When I spoke about the old gnome to Basil, the gardener, he poked fun at me, and said there were no such things, and I was a little ass to believe such fiddlesticks. I can’t make it out, and wished I knew what ails everybody.

- from ‘The Boy Who Saw True.

Blessing for Earth-Healers

We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways and in large. Blessings on the composters, the gardeners, the breeders of worms and mushrooms, the soil-builders, those who cleanse the waters and purify the air, all those who clean up the messes others have made. Blessings on those who defend trees and who plant trees, who guard the forests and who renew the forests. Blessings on those who learn to heal the grasslands and renew the streams, on those who prevent erosion, who restore the salmon and the fisheries, who guard the healing herbs and who know the lore of the wild plants. Blessings on those who heal the cities and bring them alive again with excitement and creativity and love. Gratitude and blessings to all who stand against greed, who risk themselves, to those who have bled and been wounded, and to those who have given their lives in service of the earth.

May all the healers of the earth find their own healing. May they be fueled by passionate love for the earth. May they know their fear but not be stopped by fear. May they feel their anger and yet not be ruled by rage. May they honor their grief but not be paralyzed by sorrow. May they transform fear, rage, and grief into compassion and the inspiration to act in service of what they love. May they find the help, the resources, the courage, the luck, the strength, the love, the health, the joy that they need to do the work. May they be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. May they bring alive a great awakening, open a listening ear to hear the earth’s voice, transform imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love. Blessed be the healers of the earth.

From “The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature”

by Starhawk

- photos donated by Bev.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ajmal Mehdi d b a Medics Transportation


Parson Interviewed : Ajmal Mehdi – D B A Medics Transportation

Interviewer: Nancy Bryant, D O T Equal Employment Opportunity of CT.

Date: August 7th, 2009

Question #1- in your complaint you note that, “ based on the hearing, fact, discussion and witnesses you feel that the conclusion is based on religious discrimination. Please explain.

I Ajmal Mehdi son of Mr. Islam, father of Adam Mehdi have Human Faith, which is a religion of god (Rab) of humanity ( Rabi ) a monotheistic faith. We believe in divine affirmation and that serving human beings is gods will. All the witnesses were from broken families and needed help. They knew me and I have helped them in the past. I believe that the DOT is driven by money, color and race. They do not have hearts. We have lost moral values and that is why we have filed this complaint. Based on my complaint, DOT should be more open to the public and not just to people with big names, money, certain color or heritage.

In God (Rab) we Trust we Have Faith In Humanity (Rabi).

Question #2- What is your Religious affiliation?

I was born in a Jewish family of Muslim faith and then converted to monotheistic faith of humanity which is human faith. I believe in one god and pray to him 5 times a day.

Question #3-After reviewing the file and the final decision, it appears that all guidelines were followed for handling your application. The final decision was based on lack of evidence to support public convenience and necessity for general livery services. If you do not agree please explain.

Three witnesses appeared at the hearing. Two witnesses had complaints that they could not get to doctors appointments due to livery services and lost those doctors because of it. Mr. McIntyre was homeless in the past and had to walk 3-4 miles to get to his appointments or wait in the rain for hours for a taxi. The taxi’s were always busy serving the Medicare people where they get their money from. Another person was being charged $60 to go to Stop & Shop.

When I was a taxi driver, I served everyone. We (taxies/liveries) are money driven services. The livery service in the area is monopolized by 3-4 companies. If I see someone who needs a ride and seems poor then I will help them and give them a ride for free.

But the transcript of the hearing revealed that you would be charging he same rates and there is a minimal fee. Therefore, wouldn’t it cost the witness approximately the same price ?

If you had a headquarters in Bristol, the cost will be less. There is no taxi service in Bristol where I would be located. There is one in Plainville. The poor are victims. The DOT is using them as commodities , not human beings. I believe that I provided substantial evidence. Poor people are treated differently by they dress and their status.

Question #4- According to the guidelines you have the right to petition DOT for reconsideration within 15 days of receiving the final decision. Have you done that?

I emailed my petition. Just go on the computer type in Religious Discrimination by DOT – Medics Transportation. I typed a petition to 3 different people. I have 100 people who can sign the petition.

Question #5- the guidelines also state that you have the right to Appeal the decision with Hartford/New Britain superior court where you reside. Have you appealed the decision in either court ?

I called Hartford Superior Court. They want me to get an attorney. There is no information online on how to file it. You need an attorney to figure it out because it is very complicated. If it comes to that, I will do that too. I believe I have 1 year to do this. I have not done it there is no rush.

Question #6- are you aware that the Hearing Officer to your case is also a Muslim and a Jewish?

No. I did not know. But they work for you guys and have different ideals. All religions are personal beliefs. I don’t follow the same chain command as others do. I believe in one God not in money, race and color.

Question #7- is there anything else you would like to tell me?

Would you like to ask anything?

Ms. Nancy Bryant of Equal Employment Opportunity of DOT . No Thanks

The conclusion of this session have not yet been received. Medics DBA Ajmal Mehdi is still waiting for the answer.


Human faith is a religious of Saint Human Faith and Adam‘s monotheistic faith and knows that God (Rab) is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all matters. Saint Human Faith does not support culture of




Drug users

Money lover







The waves of fresh air with small particles full of wisdom and oxygen of (Rabi) are in the air it is just matter of time when they touch the brain to change the heart. Human Faith is heavenly light of knowledge restriction on sacred light is eclipse on humanity and blasphemy. Human Faith is a religious of God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi). The definition of humanity (Rabi)in our faith is the quality of being humane and respectful for life.

The Divine Affirmations of human faith are the commandment of God (Rab) of Humanity (Rabi). The crime against the Divine Affirmations is blasphemy and great disrespect for our God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi).

Human faith teaches not only moral values it can give realistic purpose of achieving complete fulfillment of internal life. Our method of understanding both the universe and life is based on unlimited confidence in individual by teaching respect of nature and God ( Rab-Ul-Aalameen ).



Boob Jobs at 13 Better Than Going to Sea

Posted by Irresponsibility

Laura Dekker

Another red-letter day for women as a panel of Dutch judges imprison a 13-year-old girl and order her to undergo psychological analysis for having the gall to want to sail around the world singlehanded. Born at sea, Laura Dekker lived on a boat till she was four and has sailed solo across the North Sea. Plenty of (male) teenagers have been feted for daring solo-sailing feats but not Laura Dekker. The Netherlands – notable proponents of women’s freedom to lock themselves in glass-fronted booths and sell their bodies to leering passersby – have suddenly developed a keen paternalistic interest in the mental health of a girl who craves the freedom of the open sea. “She would be confronted with difficult situations that will challenge her mentally and physically,” Judge M Oostendorp declared omininously as part of the ruling that removed Dekker from her father’s care and placed her under the jurisdiction of social services. Does this mean that Judge Oostendorp believe that landlocked 13-year-old girls exisit in a frilly Utopia entirely innocent of phsyical and mental challenges? Even the most amnesiac adult must have an inkling that the cruelties of the schoolyard can be as scary as a force-4 gale.

There is more to it than the overt paternalism, though the ruling serves as a neat reminder to “wayward” girls and enlightened parents that if families don’t enforce sufficient levels of gender oppression the State will do it for them. The malicious undercurrent in the judges’ verdict is this: girls are only suited for certain mental and physical challenges. Nobody orders psychological tests for 13-year-old girls like Kianna, who crave silicone tits, saying: “I don’t like…my breasts…I spend almost 100% of my life thinking about it.” Nor is there a public outcry when childlike teenage girls have titanium pins screwed onto broken bones so they can continue flinging themselves through the brutal routines of gymnastics. These are acceptable mental and phsyical challenges because they reinforce the essential elements of femininity: masochism and performance.

Suffering, subjugated, self-mutilating girls grow up to be passive, approval-seeking women. Objects. Girls like Laura Dekker — whose choice of activities and expression don’t involve standing in front of a mirror and hating what they see, or throwing up between bouts of being bullied by their (male) coaches — threaten to become subjects. The idea sends a shiver through the patriarchy. Mere anarchy, loosed upon the world.

Even if Laura Dekker survives two months of house arrest and a battery of psychological tests designed, undoubtedly, to determine how “normal” (i.e. masochistic and passive) she is, the damage is done. She will spend the rest of her life knowing she will be punished for exhibiting independence or ambition. Other audacious girls will learn to keep quiet, or channel their energy into suitably self-defeating activities like trying to be pretty or popular.

In a fantastically indicative Freudian slip The Times report Laura’s parents are both “round-the-world yachtsmen”. Because, according to the rules of femininity, no female with the gumption to navigate a boat around the world can be a real woman.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Free Stuff!

Giveaway Guidelines :

This is a chance to win a child’s apron OR oversized-receiving blanket, winner’s choice. 

The giveaway contest will begin Monday, Aug. 31st and end at midnight Sunday, Sept. 6th.  To enter visit and tell me which product is your favorite.  This is required.  Additional entries may be gained by the following:

  • Leave a comment on any of my blog posts between contest dates.
  • Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about my giveaway at least once per day.

Winner will be announced Monday, Sept 7th here by noon, central time.  GooD LucK


Some time tomorrow or Sat I will check in and upload my daughter’s tutorial and let you know how my weigh-in went.


Games news: the baby glutton, an educative doll or a bad toy for young girls?


Americans little girls learn how to be a mother too soon with the new Baby glutton, a doll that simulate the breast-feeding with sounds and mouth movements. This toy, produced by Berjuan, a spanish company, comes with a special bra for girls to make the playing mother experience as real as possible.

The doll as special sensors and cries like a real baby when he needs more milk and does the burp when it’s filled. In USA the baby glutton it’s object of controversy: in fact, a lot of parents organization deeply believe that this doll may  push the girls to become mothers too soon increasing the risks of teenage pregnancy.

“breastfeeding is a natural process” object Berjuan’s marketing experts and  the idea behind the doll is to promote it by showing  little girls how to do it. But many parents are concerned  that the baby glutton could be a bad toy for their young  girls and not an educational game to teach children motherhood skills.

Honestly I  don’t think that girls need to use a doll to know breastfeeding at this very young age, there’s time for that: it’s true that breastfeeding is a natural process, but it’s also true that this is a woman natural process that not belongs to childhood and puberty and shouldn’t belong to teenage like many concerned parents suggest.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Picture-Book Reading as an Intervention to Teach the Use of Line Drawings for Communication with Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities

Picture-book reading provides an effective intervention context for young children learning spoken language and may also be appropriate for teaching the use of augmentative and alternative communication to children with severe intellectual disabilities. This study reports on a group intervention using a semiscripted book reading routine implemented by a teacher in a classroom for students with severe intellectual disabilities. Student use of line drawings was observed over the course of the intervention. Students’ abilities to match words, line drawings, book illustrations, and real objects were assessed weekly. There were differences between baseline and intervention performances for all students, and these differences were particularly noticeable for one student.

from AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication


From Your Lips...But Not to My Ears

One of the first words that ever came out of my children’s mouths was “daddy”! Yes, they love their daddy!

I wonder why it is that “daddy” is so easy for them to say. Okay, I’m not a linguist or a speech pathologist so I don’t know the little intricacies of how the mouth, tongue, etc work when it comes to speech and language.

But from my point of view, the point of view of a stay at home mom, why can’t they learn to say “mommy” first? Let’s get real here. Am I not the one who bonded with them from the very beginning. The one who spoke to them and sang to them when they were still in my womb. The one who breastfed them for over a year of their lives. The one who spent endless hours carrying them to soothe them and help them get to sleep. The one who spends 24 hours a day 7 days a week taking care of them. The one who takes them to music class, art class, and other fun activities.

I’m starting to feel taken for granted! Not really. But I am still waiting to hear Baby say the word “mommy”.

Tonight I had to go out to visit a girlfriend’s father in the hospital.  When I left the house, Baby was crying and very upset. Mr. MaD said she kept crying most of the night and she kept walking to the front door. Poor thing!

Although her crying made my heart sink, that’s not the worst of it. Mr. MaD informed me that Baby was signing “mommy” and saying “mommy”  while crying. She even did it more than once!

I couldn’t believe it! I said to Mr. MaD, “She was saying mommy?” He replied, “Yes, and signing it too.”

I have never heard her say “mommy” or seen her sign “mommy” once to my face.  I have heard her say “maa…maa”  a few times while crying in her crib for me to take her out. But that only happened a few times. 

 Why is it that she can say “mommy” and sign “mommy” when I’m not around?  I will surely be celebrating when I hear those long awaited words come out of her mouth.

Tell me about your experience. Did your child say “daddy” or “mommy” first?


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Emilee at six months!

Well, it’s happening again! Time keeps flying by! I remember six months ago when Emilee and her mom came over for her newborn pics. It doesn’t seem that long ago!

Emilee is such a cutie and now has two bottom teeth! Can you believe it?

It was too cold to go outside (and a little rainy) so we made our own beach inside! How fun is that?

I LOVE this collage! Isn’t she just so precious?

It’s always a pleasure seeing Emilee and her mom! They are so easy-going and up for anything, plus they’ve become good friends! Thanks girls and I can’t wait to see you in a couple of months for Emilee’s ninth-month photos!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Estate Tax Delay Likely

Congress most likely will extend 2009 estate tax rates for one year as it continues to seek consensus for comprehensive reform, according to industry officials, in a development of keen interest to many family-owned independent insurance agencies.

The issue is critical because under current law, estate taxes will expire for 2010, at a huge cost in government revenues, returning to 2001 levels in 2011.

Under current law, the 2011 exemption would be $1 million per person and a 55 percent maximum tax rate. The estate tax levy for 2009 is a $3.5 million per-person exemption and a 45 percent tax maximum tax rate.

The consensus is that Congress will ultimately decide to retain the 2009 levels as the base for permanent tax reform, indexed for inflation, but the precise language remains to be negotiated.

In fact, the House is considering passing a so-called “one-year patch” when it returns in September, according to Sarah Spear, director of policy and public affairs at the Association for Advanced Life Underwriting.

“It is a completely different story in the Senate,” Ms. Spear said. “Senators want permanent reform, but may not have the time to get to it.”

That’s because details of permanent estate tax reform “still need to be ironed out because of the constituency that is pushing for higher exemption and lower rates” than most members believe is fiscally appropriate, according to Ms. Spear.

AALU continues to advocate for the sound tax policy of reunification and portability as part of any permanent estate tax reform.

The three key bills dealing with estate tax reform include S. 722, introduced in the Senate in March by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

The bill is a middle-class tax reform package that includes an estate tax proposal that would freeze the exclusion and rate at 2009 levels, reunify the estate and gift tax credit, allow for portability, and index it for inflation. The bill’s co-sponsors are Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W. Va.

In the House, H.R. 2032, sponsored by Rep. McDermott, D-Wash., would make permanent the exemption level at $2 million, index that level for inflation, and establish progressive tax rates of 45 percent for estates valued between $2 million and $5 million; 50 percent for estates valued at $5-to-$10 million; and 55 percent for estates valued over $10 million.

This bill also includes reunification, portability, the state estate tax credit and indexing for inflation.

Another House bill is H.R. 436, introduced by Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D. It would freeze the exclusion and rate at 2009 levels and reunify the estate and gift tax credit. The bill would, however, limit the valuation discount for family limited partnerships, and set forth valuation rules for transfer of non-business assets.

Besides the basic tax rate and exemption levels, “reunification” and “portability” provisions are critical to the insurance industry, both to clients and industry officials as small businesses.

Reunification of gift and estate tax exemptions would simplify estate planning by removing an artificial barrier that inhibits earlier intergenerational transfers of business interests and other assets, and increase economic growth, according to industry officials.

Currently, the gift tax exemption is capped at $1 million, while the estate tax exemption is $3.5 million—reunification would elevate the amount an individual could gift during a lifetime to $3.5 million.

Reunifying the lifetime credit would not give an individual $7 million for gift and estate transfers. Rather, the code would provide that if an individual used up the $3.5 million exemption through gifts, they would no longer have an estate tax exemption, according to Ms. Spear.

Portability is the transfer of a deceased spouse’s unused exemption to the surviving spouse. Specifically, under current law, each citizen has a $3.5 million exemption. Current law in essence penalizes a married couple that does not set up a credit shelter trust because the combined amount of $7 million is not utilized without adequate legal planning.

Portability would provide that the unused portion would automatically roll-over to the surviving spouse, as long as the executor makes a selection on the estate, according to Ms. Spear.

“This would simplify estate planning and estate administration for married couples, carry out our clients’ nontax goals, and increase consistency with existing tax policy without creating any new tax benefit,” she said.

Full Article: Estate-Tax-Reform-Delay-Likely


a new title...

last night my husband and i had a very heated argument, followed by a discussion.  a long one.  actually, he had the heated argument, i tried to tone it down because he kept interrupting me.  not really with anything that he had to say, just a series of “oh, listen to you!” , “and what do YOU do”, “it’s because you did….(fill in the blank)”.

do you get the picture?  the way this one-sided argument went was that i was trying to make a point about something that happened sunday (i was trying to give perspective — more later), and he was trying to SHUT ME UP.  there is a whole list of the techniques he used — countering, denying, blocking, diverting, discounting.  and then there was the anger, with the finger in my face.  and the fact that we were in the room next to my son’s bedroom.  and the fact that he accused me of being angry (well, of course the guy was pissing me off, but i was doing my best to stay as calm as i could, while still trying to ask him to stop interrupting me).  goading, provoking.  it doesn’t work with me — i don’t engage — he knows i don’t.  so then he accuses me of talking down to him.  whatever — i think you probably get the idea.

it ended more or less with him saying that it is time for him to move out.  before anyone cheers me on here, i want to be the one to control that transition time. or maybe i don’t.  i am not sure.

he says he is giving me what i want.  because, you know, the unraveling of our marriage is all my fault in his eyes, because he knows, without trying, prescient being that he is, that nothing he ever did or could ever do would be good enough for me.  still no intention of seeking individual help.

at the end of the conversation, i told him that i think actually that he has wanted this all along, the marriage not to be.  that i know what he does and says, how he acts, when he wants something — i know what his hard sell looks like.  we have been together for almost 20 years.  i know.  and not once did he apply it to working on our relationship, in over 15 years of marriage.  in fact, his overall behavior has been to treat me with contempt when we interact.  if i need something fixed, like my car, he always took care of that.  intimacy?  he has no idea how to do it, and is too afraid to try.

when told i think that he wants out (also), this confused him no end.  he said “what, i don’t want it to end? of course i don’t”.  i said “no, you say you are giving me what i want, but since you have not made an effort to create a different outcome, i think this may also be what you want… and you can’t admit it”.

he stormed off to bed.  the kids’ birthdays are coming up in the next four weeks or so.  school starts next week.  i am numb.  i don’t want to ruin birthdays or decimate my son’s academic start to middle school.  i can wait till the temper calms down.  will he?  i don’t know.

before he went to bed, he followed me into the office, and my blog screen was up.  i think he caught the name of the blog.  i don’t know, and i don’t know if he is technologically advanced enough to realize that it was my blog dashboard.  but i don’t want him reading it.  i need to come up with a new title to be safe.  the url will stay the same….


Monday, August 24, 2009


Are you there GOD? It’s me candy~ I’m stealing my daughters blog today…. Day forty four Dear world,

Its crazy how we call you beautiful, how we call you magnificent.

Yet we only see 1/100000 of what you have to offer.

We call you wonderful, yet we barely even know you.

We only see what is right in  front of us.

Show me what more you have to offer.

and ill show you what i can give back.

Always Almost yours, 



 Thank you GOD for ALWAYS looking through the lines~



Musical Monday: ABC

The summer has just flown by!  My 7 y.o. starts second grade at a new school today and my 4 y.o. starts her first day of preschool on Wednesday.  Although I am very nervous about all the big changes happening at once, I anticipate that this year will be a good year for both of them. 


  This first week back to school is always the hardest.  After a long break, it’s difficult getting back into routine, but it’s going to be particularly hard on me.  I am going to miss my girls!  As I packed Allana’s backpack last night, I packed my camera and some tissues in my purse just to be prepared for the waterworks from mom.   


To shake my melancholy mood away and get us moving and grooving again, I thought the Jackson 5’s ABC would help lift my spirits and my children out of bed to get ready to go back to school this morning.



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Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Pan Fan

1.  Peter Pan

2.  Baking Pans 

3.  Panic

Peter Pan was the DVD. Son 1 aged 4y 11m and Son 2 aged 23m were playing with the toy pirates. We bought Son 1 a new Captain Hook yesterday. He has got through 2 Disney ones, so now we’re on Toyshop Traditional.  The old Captain Hook fell to pieces.  Son 1had found a Peter-And-The-Children pin badge that I’d bought him. ”I’m a Peter Pan fan, aren’t I?”  Orwell fashion, I have come to love Peter Pan. Ignore the dodgy author and the political incorrectness, and name another children’s classic that’s as brilliant on Motherhood.  The Lost Boys and The Pirates who want Mothers, Wendy who doesn’t want to be a Mother to Peter, Mrs Darling sitting in the empty bedroom, and poor Peter, damaged by a closed window and another little boy asleep in his bed. ”If you find your mothers,” he said darkly, “I hope you will like them.”  I bought my copy new in 1972, price 25p.  And I grew up and had a son.  Who feeds pieces of broken Captain Hook to toy crocodiles. 

 A grey day, with two shattered children. We decided yesterday went askew because we got the meals wrong. We drove the Big Town to do a Big Shop. Son 2 fell asleep in the car, Son 1 was car sick. We went down to the River and parked. The Man and I had coffee, the boys ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.  In the supermarket, we bought heaps of cake and biscuit making ingredients. I have a week off, the forecast is not good, and I have much Uber Mother ground to make up. Son 1 longs for me to make a cake.  I find cake tins frankly baffling.  There are the ones with the clock hand things in them, presumably used for Getting Your Cake Out. And the ones that are rings with round circles at the bottom. Presumably also used for Getting Your Cake Out.  Greaseproof paper, baking paper, baking parchment. All for Getting Your Cake Out.  I’m only guessing, but is there sometimes a problem Getting Cakes Out?  But anyway. We can manage muffins. And Biscuits.  And Wonder Nanny will be here. I bet she can Get A Cake Out. 

We did a massive pile of shopping with loads of Sunday afternoon yellow stickers.  Son 1’s shopping treat was a Scooby Doo biscuit making kit. I thought it was going to be a box with biscuits for them to draw on with an icing pen. Oh no. Back home there was an egg and milk involved. I put too much milk and egg in the packet mix and ended up with gloop so sticky it glued my fingers together.  I finally fought my way out of the mixing bowl, and the boys rolled it, cut the Scooby shapes and we put them in the oven.  Son 2 washed green beans for tea.  They had roast lamb… I went for a run.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Child's Hug


I had a lot of good-bye hugs in Sunday School this past Sunday. This was the last Sunday these boys and girls would be in our kindergarten class since they are being promoted to the first grade. Oh, those sweet hugs! I think sometimes I keep on teaching because of the hugs. What is it about a child’s hug?


For one thing, a child’s hug says I love you in a way that just about nothing else can. It is not I love you because or I love you in spite of. It is just I love you. You didn’t have to do anything to deserve it and unfortunately, sometimes, you may have even done something to not deserve it, but a child’s hug says I love you anyway.


Secondly, a child’s hug says I accept you. You may not look like me, act like me, and I certainly may not always understand you, but I accept you just as you are.


Another thing a child’s hug says is thank you. I know I’ve rarely, if ever, had a 5- or 6-year-old thank me for letting them paint on Sunday morning, or for playing a fun game during group time, but that hug at the door says thank you in a very special way.


A child’s hug is genuine and sincere. There is no second-guessing that spontaneous joy when a child wraps his arms around your neck or waist.


Mark 10 tells the story of parents who brought their children to see Jesus. They just wanted Jesus to touch their children. The disciples, however, thought Jesus was much too busy and tried to keep the children away. “But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14)


I personally think that Jesus probably wanted a hug, too! But more importantly, I think Jesus not only loved those children, but that He also seized an opportunity to point out some important characteristics of children that are vital to those of us who want to reflect God in our lives. As I think about what Jesus said and reflect on all the things a child can communicate in a simple hug, I realize that I probably need to go back to Childhood 101 and ask myself some important questions.


  • Do I really love others unconditionally or do I love others based on my opinions or preconceived notions? Jesus said to “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven…” (Matthew 5:44-45).


  • Can I accept those with whom I disagree? Jesus said “Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1). God calls me to obey Him, not pass judgment on the actions of others. The Bible tells about the prophet Jonah who fled on a ship to Tarshish to avoid preaching to the wicked people of Nineveh which was what God told him to do. As a result of his disobedience he was thrown overboard during a storm at sea and was swallowed by a big fish. Jonah prayed to God for deliverance and was vomited on the shore. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh again and this time he obeyed!


  • How do I show appreciation and gratitude to others? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 advises “in everything give thanks.” True thankfulness is an attitude of the heart. When we truly live thankful lives, it shows in the way we treat others. Some of God’s greatest gifts to us are other people. Do I take people in my life for granted, or do I seek to let them know that I truly love and appreciate them?


  • Am I genuine and sincere with others? In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he prayed that the Philippians “…may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ…” (Philippians 1:10). Do I say one thing, but mean another? Am I guilty of saying or doing what I think people want to hear me say or do? While we must learn to be tactful (which can come from loving and accepting others), we also need to be sincere in our dealings with others.


Love, acceptance, thankfulness, sincerity – “for of such is the kingdom of God.” I’m glad God made children such excellent teachers. I have so much to learn and it all begins with a hug!


For Further Study: Mark 10:13-16

                              Matthew 18:1-6
