Saturday, November 7, 2009

O Absalom, My Son, My Son!

O Absalom, My Son, My Son!

No matter what their age, children are always in the hearts of their parents.     Parental love does not just “go away”.     Whether the children are good and loving or wayward and rebellious, the parents’ love and concern is always foremost in their hearts.

It was that way with King David and his son, Absalom.     The whole series of events leading to Absalom’s death are recorded in 2 Samuel chapters 13 through 19.     Surely, they are stories of sin unchecked in many of the characters.     Feelings were hurt — hatred seethed for years — jealousy and arrogance purposely ignored the given will of God —  and so, life goes on, even as it does in the people of today.

Despite the goodness and faith in many of the characters, there was horrific sadness in the end — a sadness that would never really go away, even though it was masked over.     The gist of the story in the end is that Absalom was planning to kill his own father, King David, and take over as king of Israel.     King David, in his desire to save as many lives as possible, fled Jerusalem.     In the battle between Absalom’s soldiers and King David’s soldiers, Absalom got his head stuck in a large oak tree while riding his donkey.     The donkey left him hanging in the tree, and one of David’s men killed him — even though David had given orders to protect the rebellious Absalom.

When King David learned that Absalom was dead, he could do nothing but cry, and cry, and cry for his beloved son.     2 Samuel 19:4 records,

The king covered his face and cried out with a loud voice,  “O my son Absalom,  O Absalom, my son, my son!”

Even though Absalom had become totally evil in his intent, his father loved him and had great sorrow over his downfall.     Nobody wants to see their son fall into such evil ways and face such consequences.

But, God experiences the same depths of sorrow over His children.     When Jesus was preaching, He faced many hateful and rebellious religious leaders, who were out to kill Him — just as Absalom was out to kill his loving father.     The depths of God’s love for each of us caused Him to send Jesus to be our Savior from all sin.     That awesome love of God did not move the evil hearts of the religious leaders, who had no intention of repenting of any of their sins.

Jesus — God Almighty — mourned in deep sadness over His rebellious children.     His mourning was not only for the Israelites of that day, but for everyone in the world today, who refuses to repent.    In Matthew 23:37  Jesus grieved saying,

O Jerusalem,  Jerusalem,  who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!     How often I wanted to gather your children together,  the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,  and you were unwilling.

God loves even the people who kill the preachers He has sent to save them from their sins.     Yes, God’s love gets totally wasted — like David’s love was wasted on Absalom.     Those “unwilling” people will have to face their own judgment in the end, as poor Absalom had to face his.     But, God’s love will go on

The question remains.     What will we do with God’s extended love for us?     Will it be wasted on us?

As we humbly turn to our heavenly Father in repentance, asking for His forgiveness, we can be very sure of His love enfolding us to His breast.     Realizing the depths of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ,  we say,  “Hallelujah!     Lord Jesus, blessed be Your name for Your love, and faithfulness, and mercy.     Lead me to live for You.”



A devotional to glorify the LORD of lords and King of kings…



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