Several notes on this subject tonight… Firstly my ongoing frantic water treading to keep up to date in order to teach my lovelies the best I can my bestest favorite subject. So, technically me warping their fragile little minds. But anyways, my course site is developing weekly and I’m starting to get rather proud of my collection of lessons – I’ve worked flipping hard on this lot (way more hours than I’m paid for, but I wouldn’t be happy unless it was done as best as I can), so here’s the linky to the site just because I’m all proud of them! Why is it online for all to see? Well, because it contains all my lesson notes and is a revision guide for the students and so could be used by anyone taking a level computing (the new AQA course) – I’m nice like that. (btw, if you are going to pilfer any of it, please give me a mention!)
Saying that, I have my first official inspection tomorrow
So other fragile little minds… best child quote of the week goes to my friend’s son *drum roll please*…… “ooooh Octo Doctorpus is baaaad…. ooh Octo Doctorpus is good now! Ooooooh Octo Doctorpus is baaaaad” rinse and repeat. The mind of a three year old is an amazing place.
That possibley beats all midget’s quotes this week so far (including Midget’s greeting to the cat today which was along the lines of ‘ooh hello sharka, I drew a picture of you today becuase you’re soft and I like stroking you and your food smells funny’). Sadly, mini midget has not provided me with any printable quotes as her terrible twos, which initially we thought had lasted 3 days have made a terrible comeback. It’s more like horredous threes, not only can she scream, she can vocalise quite how angry she is – it’s like watching the incredible hulk. I swear, if she turned green and ripped off her shirt I wouldn’t be surprised. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen ‘angry knees’ – this involves not getting her way until she has to have this sort of standing up fit where she closes her eyes and buckles repeatedly at the knees in a sort of I-can’t-get-my-way jerky style. I’ve not managed to stifle laughter when she does it yet….
This evening was another nice evening at the gym with Kitty, (or Cate the Homemaker as I may refer to her hehe) – Perfect way to take my mind off the evils of inspection tomorrow morning!!
So an evening of giggles, and putting the world to right. We have made the decision that we are truly middle class, and actually we’re quite comfortable with that. Consider the conversation – we’re talking about the kids at school and the nice songs the girls have come home singing recently, our husbands jobs and travelling over to Ireland next year for a double family holiday. This conversation took place as we’re having a gentle evening swim at the local David Lloyd pool, after which we stopped for a drink and a chat while our husbands were looking after the kids. To top this, while I’m teaching I’ve noticed that I’ve started making ‘posh noise’ when exaplaining a concept that requires any form of diplomacy. For those of you who don’t understand posh noise – listen to Mr Johnson over there speak – at least 1/3 of any speach will consist of posh noise – these are the weird ‘I’m thinking, or stalling while trying to think’ noises that many people brought up on the finer side of British life make. It’s that stammery posh type noises in between most words of the majority of public school boys – think Hugh Grant if Boris is too disturbing!
The usual stuff – 3dpo (maybe), temps are at 97.8 again – not high enough to denote a proper thermal shift. I shall continue to grumble under my breath about the lack of ovulation indication. However, the bbs are so sore I’m having to wear a bra??! Very odd.
So I shall leave you with a final funny that Mr T showed me yesterday – rather apt and very funny methinks:
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