Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christian Abuse And Brainwashing Of Children, The Destruction Of Free Will

“Those who control what young people are taught, and what they experience — what they see, hear, think, and believe — will determine the future course for the nation.” — James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family

When we are born we are agnostic in the sense that we do not realize how everything came to be.  In fact, we are an atheist in the sense that we do not believe in a God.  How do be come to believe in any one of the Gods?  Exactly as a Christian Leader like James Dobson has stated.

We “control what young people are taught, and what they experience – what they see, hear, think, and BELIEVE” – Christian Leader James Dobson

One only need to look at the faces of the children and see how easy it is manipulate them, create fear and a sense of overwhelming emotions in an effort to “control” and cause them to “believe”.

Yes, this abuse is taking place under the direction of adults.  Using the undeveloped and impressional minds of children to force them into a belief that molds their minds to follow a specific path in life.  A path that would tend to align with the ideas of certain political parties and prejudices.

This abuse of children is clearly a form of brainwashing, especially when done with the full support of parents and other adults these children trust in for guidance and truth.  Especially when what they are forcing on these children is something that is not established on a basis of FACT and when there is not one shred of evidence to support their specific God over any other.

Since it is not based on fact or evidence it is by definition A LIE!  Adults lying to children in order to brainwash them to believe a specific way and thus removing their freedom of choice  is child abuse and some of the most immoral and vile behavior I can think of outside of Christian priest molesting children.

Now, lets add the teaching of unfathomable horror through torturous application of fire to the flesh of their bodies for an endless eternity if they don’t decide to believe.

Lets add to this the time constraint that they “must act now” or it could be too late.  Jesus Christ may come any moment and if you have not decided to believe like the adults, your parents and everyone else you love will be GONE and you will be all alone on earth with the most unimaginably evil people.

At least us “evil” sinners wouldn’t abuse their children like they have.

Next, you provide the impressionable mind with the belief that if they do believe in God then not only will they avoid the torture but they will get to go to heaven with mommy and daddy and friends and have eternal life of extreme love and happiness and never get sick again.

Holy Fucking Shit!!  No Wonder Christians can vote for wars based on lies that sends American Soldiers to their death without cause.  No wonder they can excuse torture in the name of their God.  They too had this wool pulled over their eyes and were abused as children as well.

Free Will?  How in the hell does a child have any free will when they are now forced to believe in what they are told?  If you think this doesn’t force kids into doing something they otherwise wouldn’t do, you are a fucking idiot and obviously you are a Christian.

Free Will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate.  It is clearly made a necessity as it clearly involves their fate and they are constrained to a specific God as well.

What is sad, parents claim to this to the innocent minds of children, the ones they should be protecting and helping to grow with the freedom of will to decide what is best, to have endless possibilities of how to live, believe, act and learn from their own mistakes.

It is sad that all of what they tell their children about this God and what they must do, IS A LIE.  By definition, it is a lie.  Logically, it is a lie.  Just like all the claims they associate to this God, are all lies.

No talking snakes, no talking bushes, no man living in belly of a whale, no boat with 2 of every creature on earth, no raising the dead, no dead coming out of graves and walking into a city, no virgin births, no magic place in the sky, no flying in the sky or floating bodily into the magic place in the sky, no horror lake of fire, no demons, no satan, no angels, no saints, no magic healing, no parting the seas or turning staffs into snakes…etc.  NOT one of those claims has EVER been proven to be true. Not even remotely true.

Clearly, this is child abuse, brainwashing and destroys the child free will to choose.

Pathetic Christian Teaching


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