Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why most couples in the world want to have kids

Human beings have a selfish nature in them, no doubt about that.

Therefore, this nature is a huge part of the reason why couples want to have families, more so, have kids: for the benefit of having what other people have, what a human society deems as normal, which is really a “copy-cat pattern”.

Do couples really want to have kids for the benefit of the kids or is it for their own satisfaction which they are in denial of. If you go to a certain family and investigate their ancestral line, it won’t be a surprise to find out that a father said, ” ….I want to have a son ’so that he can continue my legacy’…”, or a mother said, “…I want to have a family and kids ‘because the rest of my female friends have families and kids and they seem so happy’….”. Those are just some examples.

I believe each and every spouse should be questioned thoroughly why they want to have kids, and if they are HONEST and they mention anything selfish, they should NOT have children.

The focus on “poor” people carelessly getting each other pregnant and increasing the number of homeless street kids should be put on hold for a moment and that focus should be put on the MIDDLE INCOME FAMILIES around the world. This is the continuing source of poverty. It is not the soul source but a significant source.

For anybody wanting to have kids, ask yourself this question, ” Did you make the right career or job choice when you were in school to have kids now? Without a doubt, do you swear that you have no selfish reasons whatsoever of having kids and are definitely not in denial?”


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