Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Whiskey River (Take My Mind)

My awareness of Willie Nelson just won’t quit.  Reminders of him seem to follow me around.

Today I have heard Everett’s rendition of “Whiskey River” so many times it’s about to ”take my mind.”  It’s not an intentional concert.  No, it’s just that he has been singing that dumb song over and over.  Sometimes it’s in his Willie voice, and sometimes it’s in his very own singing voice.  But every time it comes complete with Ev singing the guitar licks.  I tell ya, I’ve had more than enough since I can’t stand Willie in the first place.

Here’s the deal with Ev.  He is one unique kid.  When we get in the car, he always asks (or demands) that the radio be tuned in to Country Legends 97.1 so that he can bask in the musical glory days of decades past.  Those days went by before he ever took his first breath.  Everett has been more adamant about this since Thanksgiving weekend when KSBJ started their all-Christmas programming.  He doesn’t mind telling us that he has already had enough “12 Days of Christmas” and “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” (yes, I know that’s not the proper title) to last him all the way to next Christmas, and we’re not even halfway through December yet.  What can I tell you except that Ev knows what he likes, and it’s a little less Christmas music and a lot more Classic Country.

Here’s another thing about Ev.  We are about to celebrate his 12th birthday, and if there is one characteristic he possesses that has been obvious since birth it is that he is NOISY.  He is not serene, tranquil, calm, gentle, hushed, soothing, peaceful, restrained, subdued, or quiet.  There is always some type of noise coming from this kid.  If he is not making the noise himself, he is making someone or something else make noise if he can possibly figure out a way. 

Looking back, I can attest to the fact that he was a loud baby.  I’m sure he was my most prolific noise-making baby.  I dreaded taking him to any public place that required quiet.  He quickly grew into a noisy toddler and then a noisy young boy.  The older he got, the more he knew to say and the more instruments he could figure out to use to make noise. 

Lately Everett’s love for noise is bringing me much frustration.  The boy wakes up talking, talks or sings all day, and goes to bed talking to me as I finally just walk out of his room and turn off the light after I’ve put him to bed.  I believe his mouth spews a running commentary of everything that passes through his brain.  If he is looking at a sales paper, he is verbally describing every item he finds interesting, quoting prices and selling points.  I’m serious.  His mouth seems to never stop, and frankly, my ears hurt.  I mentioned this to Russell, but he hadn’t seemed to notice…until he was off Friday when it snowed.  We were all cooped up inside the house, and Russell got a good dose of the noise I’ve been telling him about.  Suddenly, Russell was a little more sympathetic of what I deal with all day every day. 

All this talk about Everett and his noise-making is to underscore how irritating it is to me when he busts out in one of Willie’s greatest hits MULTIPLE TIMES IN ONE DAY!  It is more than enough to drive me to the brink of insanity.  But then again…maybe I stay there!!!  “Whiskey River,” please don’t “take my mind!”

[Via http://mamaangela.wordpress.com]

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